Topics: Health, humans’ effect on the environment, and technology’s effect on society.
Functional Mushrooms and Gut Health | From the Blog
Creating a Sustainable Anthropocene Future | Medium
Hello Brain. Welcome to the Uncanny Valley | Futurism
Are Droids Taking Our Jobs? | Medium
The Health Benefits of ‘Taking in a Forest Atmosphere’ | Yardley Voice
STEM Educational Materials
Water in Our World [PDF of excerpts]: Collaborating with the former Program Director at Youth Achievers’ Committee, Inc., I co-developed and wrote Water in Our World, a NASA-funded 4-week environmental education program for middle school students. It focused on the distribution, cycling, and conservation of water, and included pre-and post-tests, language arts, and math skills.
Unlocking Science: Your Guide to Science Fair Projects [PDF version]: Unlocking Science is an eBook I wrote based on my work as a facilitator for the Annual Coriell Institute Science Fair. [For flipbook version, click image below.]
Video Editing
The CineSpace Short Film Competition is a collaboration between NASA and the Houston Cinema Arts Society. Using NASA archival footage, I create short films about space and the environment.
The Hybrid Planet
Humans have created a new system called the technosphere, transforming Earth into a hybrid planet and adversely affecting the Earth System. Digital technology is a powerful tool in our quest for sustainability. Submitted to CineSpace in 2019 via Tongal.
Goddard’s Anniversary Day
An excerpt from a diary takes us back to the day that changed a boy’s life. Submitted to CineSpace in 2019 via Tongal.